Authorities of the SGTU

The following shall be the authorities of the university:

The Governing Body

The Governing Body shall have the following members:

  • The Chancellor
  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Secretary to the Department of Sikkim in the Education Department or his nominee
  • 5 (five) persons nominated by the sponsoring body, out of which 2 (two) shall be eminent educationists/Skill Development Experts
  • One expert of finance, nominated by the Chancellor

The Governing Body shall be the supreme authority and principal governing body of the university. It shall have the following powers:

  • To provide general superintendence and directions and to control the functioning of the University
  • To review the decisions of other authorities of the University
  • To approve the budget and annual report of the University
  • To lay down the extensive policies to be followed by the University
  • To recommend to the sponsoring body the dissolution of the University if necessary
  • Such other powers as may be specified by the statutes

The Governing Body shall meet at least 3 (three) times in a calendar year. The quorum of the meeting shall be 2/3 of the members.

The Board of Management

The Board of Management shall consist of the following members:

  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Secretary to the Government of Sikkim in the Education Department or his nominee
  • 2 (Two) members of the Governing Body, nominated by the sponsoring body
  • 3 (Three) persons, who are not members of the Governing Body, nominated by the sponsoring body
  • 3 (Three) persons from amongst the teachers, nominated by the sponsoring body
  • 2 (Two) teachers, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor shall be the chairperson of the Board of Management. The powers and functions of the Board of Management shall be such as may be specified by the Statutes.

The quorum for the meeting of the Board of Management shall be at least 2/3 of the members. The Secretary to the Government, Education Department, Sikkim, or in his absence, the Director of Higher Education, shall be present in each meeting where decisions on government policies or instructions are to be taken.

The Academic Council

The Academic Council shall consist of the Vice-Chancellor and such members as may be specified by the Statutes. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the chairperson of the Academic Council.

The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the university and shall coordinate and exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the university.

The quorum for meetings of the Academic Council shall be such as may be specified by the statutes.

The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall be the principal financial body of the University to take care of financial matters. The constitution, powers, and functions of the Finance Committee shall be such as may be prescribed.

The Planning Board

The Planning Board shall be the principal planning body of the University and shall ensure that the infrastructure and academic support system meet the norms of the University Grants Commission or the respective councils.

The constitution of the Planning Board, term of office of its members, and its powers and functions shall be such as may be prescribed.

Other Authorities

The constitution, powers, and functions of other authorities of the university shall be such as may be prescribed.