Internal Complaint Committee

Internal Complaint Committee

An Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) consisting of the following members is constituted to ensure safety, security and preserve dignity of female students and staff members of the University.

In case of any harassment/grievance, female students and staff members are advised to contact any of the above members of the Committee to resolve the issue at the earliest.

Committee Image

Objectives of the ICC

  • To sustain the dignity of women.
  • To facilitate congenial working environment so that any female employee/student is not subjected to gender specific discrimination.
  • To consider the complaint of the grievances from female teaching staff, non- teaching staff and students and investigate them thoroughly within stipulated time.
  • To ensure confidentiality and time bound response to the complaints.
  • To heighten awareness and sensitivity to this important issue amongst all the female staff and students. For this purpose motivational and awareness activities shall be organized.

Roles and Responsibilities of ICC

  • To receive the complaint from the female employees on harassment and discrimination in the workplace by other employees.
  • To receive the complaint from female students on harassment and discrimination in the classroom and in relation to academic activities by faculty /staff/student.
  • To receive the complaint from female residents on harassment, assault and other forms of misbehaviour by employees / student.
  • For any grievances, Internal Complaints Committee will examine all matters related to female employees and students in the University and will make suggestions/proposals to the University administration regarding such matters.
  • The ICC will examine particular complaints and will make recommendations on actions to be taken on specific complaints.
  • The committee will also arrange programs on Women’s Day and at other times, as is deemed necessary.

The Committee will report to the Registrar of the University.