Fee Concessions/Scholarships

MS: Merit Scholarship (On the basis of Marks obtained in the last Qualifying Examination)

  • 100% Scholarship (MS – 1) (80% – 100%)
  • 50% Scholarship (MS – 2) (65% – 79%)
  • 25% Scholarship (MS – 3) (60% – 64%)

Other Scholarships and Concessions:

  • EC: University Employee’s siblings, wards & spouse (50% Concession)
  • PH: Physically Handicapped (50% Concession)
  • FD: Freedom Fighter/Defence Personnel/Police and paramilitary Wards (50% Concession)
  • SC: Siblings Concession – Siblings of Continuing Students (50% Concession)
  • HD: Higher Degree Concession for the Students of Sikkim Professional University (50% Concession)
  • SQ: Sikkim Quota Allotment (50% Concession)
  • MC: Minority Concession (50% for Muslim/Sikh/Jain/Christian/Buddhist and Zoroastrianism (Parsis) Students)

*Above mentioned Concessions/Scholarships shall be given only in Tuition Fee.

*Only any one of the above Concessions/Scholarships can be opted.